How to Incorporate QR Codes Into Your Blood Donor Recruitment Campaign
QR (Quick Response) Codes can be used in a variety of ways to help marketers engage and interact more with the audiences. Integrating QR codes into marketing strategies enables businesses, like blood centers, to give more details to the audiences without having to deliver too much information in advertisements. But, are QR codes still used today? In 2020, almost 11 million US households used a QR code, which is an increase of more than one million uses up from 2018 according to a recent survey by Statista. The pandemic reshaped the way blood centers have to operate and engage with donors, so the use of QR codes in marketing is a valuable way to interact with donors in advertisements using touch-free methods.
What Is a QR Code?
QR Codes, short for Quick Response, are a type of barcode easily readable with mobile devices. The codes can store information as a series of pixels in a square grid that can be read in two directions — top to bottom and right to left. They can store information like phone numbers and addresses which can be valuable for market research and optimizing your business’s strategies. Some benefits of using QR codes for blood donor recruitment are as follows:
QR codes can be placed anywhere, which makes them easy to find and use. 91% of iOS devices have a built-in QR code scanner, and Android 9 and Android 10 have an in-built QR Code reader so virtually anyone can scan QR codes easily. Gone are the days of needing a separate app to read QR codes - you can simply just use your phone camera!
QR codes are easy to generate and use. Since most mobile devices have a built-in QR code scanner, almost everyone is able to scan and see the information that a business is trying to show in greater detail. QR codes can also store more data than a regular barcode due to their square shape and configuration. To build a QR code, blood centers can check out HubSpot to learn more about QR codes and easy ways to make them!
Instead of a static image or a video advertisement that doesn’t grab the attention of the audience, QR codes allow for not only more content, but a better user experience. They permit image and video content and can store a lot of information. For example, if a blood center is hosting a mobile blood drive, they can advertise with a QR code for potential donors to scan and read that includes instructions, directions, or restrictions to donating.
QR codes are free to make and can be updated whenever your blood center needs to. The codes don’t have an expiration date, therefore blood centers can update the same QR code with new information so that potential blood donors can stay up-to-date on upcoming events or mobile blood drives.
QR codes can be beneficial for blood centers because it allows you to engage and interact with donors and give them a better donor experience. Keep reading to learn about five ways to incorporate QR codes into your marketing campaigns, and how they can benefit your company.
Did you know that 71% of people consciously look at billboards when driving? Whether you are driving to work or going on a road trip, you will find yourself looking at a billboard. A study using GPS collected data has shown that people use only a few routes when moving between their relevant places, even when those trips are repeated, so most people will likely see the same billboard advertisement more than once a day. Therefore, billboard advertising with QR codes can be a great way to advertise blood centers around your city. Incorporating a QR code into a billboard gives a unique feel to the advertisement, and it allows potential donors to scan the code to lead them to your webpage, events, commercials, or social media pages.
*Incept recommends using billboard advertisements in walkable areas to ensure driving safety. To learn more about billboard advertising read more here.
QR Code marketing example: Calvin Klein created a QR code in a billboard advertisement to attract people to scan the code while passing by. The QR code is big enough to be seen, has an eye-catching color, and leads the audience to a distinctive commercial. If your blood center is looking to generate more awareness, then billboard advertising might be a great fit to integrate into your marketing strategies!
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Tv Commercials
Did you know that there is a 31.5% decrease in time spent with broadcast networks and a 29.3% decrease in time spent with cable networks? Although cable services have decreased over time because of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, a study showed that television remains the most effective form of advertising compared to Facebook and YouTube. Most Americans watch 3.1 hours of TV in a day, so commercials still have value for advertising to blood donors. Incorporating QR codes into important parts of shows and in commercials can cause viewers to make impulse decisions.
Therefore, the use of QR codes in commercials can maximize brand awareness and engagement for blood centers because the codes create an easy way to connect your company with the viewers.
QR Code marketing example: Burger King launched a “QR Whopper” commercial that allows viewers to quickly scan the QR code which directs them to the Burger King website and a coupon to use on a meal.
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Direct Mail
QR codes and direct mail have helped combine the digital donor experience and the physical experience into one cohesive venture. In 2020, PostAnalytics saw greater than 50% more direct mail volume using QR codes than in the same period in 2019. Direct mail pieces with QR codes help to eliminate friction by increasing open and response rates. Millennials and Gen Zers don’t like to talk on the phone, so giving them the option to learn more about donating blood through a QR code rather than emailing, typing in a long URL, or talking to someone on the phone can assist in increasing awareness and engagement.
QR Code marketing example: Synchrony Bank used QR codes in a creative approach to acquisition marketing. In a recent direct mail campaign, Synchrony Bank promoted a CD as a way to reach savings goals with a guaranteed rate of return. The bank used a QR code with the call-to-action “Scan for current rate” rather than discussing the interest rate to boost engagement and provide the audience with a better customer experience.
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Vehicle Wrap Ads
Did you know that in the US today, individual vehicle advertising generates between 30,000-70,000 daily vehicular impressions? That’s a lot of people seeing your ad every day! So, using QR codes on vehicle wrap advertising can be a great opportunity for blood centers. By using a QR code on a vehicle, such as on a truck or bus, blood centers can attach an introduction video, landing page, social media accounts, or event information to the link of the code and allow the audience to take action.
This gives your business an easy way to show people who you are, what you need, and where to find out more information to register to donate blood in and around the community. We talk a lot about meeting your donors where they are which is a great way to literally meet your donors where they are physically to promote the need for blood!
QR Code marketing example: A food truck company can use a QR code on their vehicle to increase awareness and boost engagement through people scanning the code for a discount. By integrating QR codes and vehicle wrap advertising, blood centers can decrease advertising expenditures, promote fun ads, and reach a large demographic of people.
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Social Media
With over 70 percent of the U.S. population holding a social media account, social media presence is everywhere, and is essential to use it to a blood center’s advantage. QR codes are a great way to attract potential blood donors to your social media pages because it saves time and effort as opposed to typing the link out on their own, which improves the overall user experience. Using QR codes on social media platforms gives blood centers the opportunity to attract new and existing users to your directed landing page, newsletter, or website to help bring in more blood donors and increase awareness.
QR Code marketing example: Pancake House created an advertisement on its Facebook page with a QR code to engage with the audience. The QR code has a call-to-action that prioritizes the company’s latest promotions and exclusive treats to attract users to take action. Using a short call-to-action, like “Follow Us” or “Subscribe to our blog”, helps to boost engagement on your announcements for upcoming blood donations, blood drives, etc.
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Your blood center doesn’t have to start incorporating QR codes into every piece of your marketing strategies to be successful. But, we suggest that you implement one or two of these ideas and see how your audience engages with QR codes in the community. Once you perfect one strategy, it’s easier to keep that going while launching a new platform to expand your reach.