News + Insights from Incept Health

Healthcare Amanda Cowgill Healthcare Amanda Cowgill

What is Healthcare Marketing, and Why is it Important?

As someone looking to increase your healthcare organization’s bottom line, you’re likely always on the lookout for ways to drive patient or customer engagement. But what role does healthcare marketing play in this? In this blog post, we’ll explore what healthcare marketing is, why it's so important for your organization’s success, and how it can be leveraged to build trust, attract more patients, and deliver measurable results.

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Healthcare Amanda Cowgill Healthcare Amanda Cowgill

What is A Pay-For-Performance Campaign Model and How Can That Help My Healthcare Business?

For any organization with a tighter budget, marketing can be both a necessary investment and a financial burden. With these ever-tightening budgets, many healthcare businesses are seeking ways to grow without facing upfront marketing costs that might not yield results. This is where Pay-For-Performance marketing campaigns come in, offering a solution that aligns marketing investments with actual results.

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